発行日 :平成30年 1月
発行    :溝上法律特許事務所
            弁護士・弁理士 溝上哲也
→事務所報 No40 INDEXへ戻る

How to get to our Office

  Have you ever heard “Hommmachi Master”?

  Your answer must be ‘No’.
  Why I understand what you think?

  I AM a Hommachi Master.

  People coming to our office often get lost.
  Is our office too small to find?

  The answer can be yes, however, let me say our office is not too small.
  Today, what I would like you to know is HOW TO GET TO OUR OFFICE.

  By way of introduction, the nearest station to our office is Subway Hommmachi Station.
  When you arrive at the station, you realize that the station is much larger than you expect. The depot has 3 different lines, Yotsubashi Line, Midosuji Line and ChuoLine, Besides, 28 exits await you. Just imagine a maze.

  Now, I can say our office is not too small to find, Hommachi Station is too large to get out.

  But do not be afraid.
  After reading this article, you will become a Hommachi Master.

  At first step, take a deep breath when you get the huge monster, Hommachi Station.
  Look at the guide overhead, and find Subway Yotsubashi Line, the blue line.
  Then, please get Exit 28.

  You may suspect it takes too long to get to Exit 28, remind the monster is beyond you. Please stick up to the way you believe.
  You may become exhausted when you reach Exit 28 at last.

  Leave your worries.
  The goal of the Hommachi Master is almost there.
  Spit out from Exit 28, a green convenience store welcomes you.

  It is too early to lose your concentration yet.
  You are a future Hommachi Master. Make one more effort and you will be.

  Through the convenience store and keep going along the direction cars go.

  You will find an Udon restaurant, a laundry, then a bicycle shop on your left.

  Our office is located on the second floor of a building where you find the laundry and the bicycle shop.

  Unconsciously, you finally become a Hommachi Master.

  Welcome to members of Hommachi Master!

  [Let’s review]
  1.Get Hommachi Station
  2.Take a deep breath
  3.Get Blue Line, Yotsubashi
  4.Believe yourself
  5.Get Exit 28
  6.Go along the direction cars go
  7.Find a laundry and bicycle shop
  8.Get 2nd floor
  9.Double knock with smile :)

  After all, should you have any questions or further requests, please do not hesitate to contact us.

(2017.12: Takara Matsumoto )

→事務所報 No40 INDEXへ戻る


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